Saturday, May 24, 2008

Last night went much better than the night before. We actaully had a nurse who could help, was prompt and excellent at helping Frenchie shift positions during the night! Fenchie was actually able to get some sleep - something he has not been able to do since Wednesday! He did have some substantial pain yesterday but he took deep breathes and what ever medication they could give him and he relaxed and no has little to no pain this morning. Breakfast was brought in but Frenchie was so exausted thta he managed a few bites and went back to sleep. It is comforting to see him sleep so soundly! The doctor also came in this morning to check on Fenchie and said everything looked great and that as long as Frenchie keeps on this healing track he will be out either Monday or Tuesday. Today Frenchie needs to get up a couple more times during the day and then again in the evening. The even better news....the cathider comes out sometime this morning -Dan's (a friend of ours) most favorita part of surgery...note the sarcasim! :)

1 comment:

T n A said...

First rule of going home after major surgery is he has to take a s*#*. So he needs to eat more than a few bites! LOL! But we are SO proud of him for progressing so far so quickly! And Tom says that as far as the catheter removal, anticipate it at the count of 2, not 3!! Good Luck and we look forward to talking with you both very soon!