Thursday, May 29, 2008

We're Home!

Frenchie came home yesterday! Tuesday we had a conversation with one of the docs and he said that Frenchie could go home that day after Frenchie had the "#2 plumbing" working. We waited, waited, waited, and waited some more. Finally at 8 that evening the plumbing finally started flowing properly so we agreed with the doc to wait till morning to leave. However the nurses disagreed with how much fluid Frenchie should be retaining in his bladder so Frenchie got his 9th catheter put in. So Wednesday morning we were graced with the presence of BOTH docs. They both proceeded to tell us and the nurses that we were to go home no matter what! So after breakfast we headed home! Frenchie is doing fantastic! He wears a pedometer to make sure he is walking more and more each day. I got Frenchie one of those extend able reachers so if he drops something he doesn't have to bend over and pick it up. He has had a lot of fun playing with the reacher and even putting laundry into the washer! Frenchie is already in better spirits now that he is at home!

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