Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Beware! Do not proceed if you have a weak stomach!

Frenchie is home and is adjusting quite nicely. We go for a walk everyday and today we went for 2 walks since Frenchie needed to have more steps than yesterday (based from his pedometer). Frenchie has been asking and asking ever since we got home for me to take pictures of his staples and to post them on the blog! So here they are!

Frenchie had 24 staples.....

He thought it was quite humorous that the doctors use an actual staple gun (a staple gun designed for surgery but ...a staple gun is still a staple gun)!

We went back last Friday to get the staples removed so now Frenchie has white strips over the incision that will go away within 2 weeks.

While we were at the hospital getting the staples removed the nurse brought in a model of the actual screws and rods that Frenchie has in his back now and that was so cool to see. The nurse also showed us his Xray that shows the actual rods and screws in Frenchie's back. The last Xray that the nurse showed us was one that was taken during surgery. It was so weird because the screws were screwed into his actual vertebrae and they are long!

The nurse and doctors all agree that Frenchie is having a speedy recovery. His current mobility is compared to those that have been out of surgery for weeks! We ran into one of the surgeons in the cafeteria and the doctor was so impressed to see how well Frenchie was walking. The doctor was even contemplating pulling Frenchie into a corner of the caferteria to take a peak at the insicion!


LoneStars said...

Creeped out . . .even for this cowboy!

Kaza and Frenchie said...

my apologies! :)